The antidote for hate, violence, and division in our world
Share the Dream
The Share the Dream video Bible study is based on the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In six sessions, you will look at 6 biblical principles that shaped Dr. King's life and motivated him to speak out in the Civil Rights Movement: love, conscience, freedom, justice, perseverance, and hope.
The video sessions are co-hosted by award-winning journalist and broadcaster for FOX Sports 1 and FOX Sports Radio, Chris Broussard, founder and president of The K.I.N.G. Movement, and global human rights activist and founder of non-profit organization Good of All, Matthew Daniels.

Some high-profile figures featured in the video study include Ambassador Andrew Young, U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, ABC News Broadcast Journalist Linsey Davis, GRAMMY Award winning musical artist Lecrae, and Senator Chris Coons.
Watch the First Session:
Look inside the Share the Dream Study Guide
“Dr. King’s message is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago. Share the Dream™ is an excellent resource for churches, ministries, and individuals to reclaim his dream and put it into practice right now.”
- Ambassador Andrew Young

“I love the nuanced and substantive Share the Dream™ material. Even older people would greatly benefit from this material. For example, most Americans could not explain what “restorative justice” means. The judicious integration of scripture is done well. I congratulate you for this effort. I have been given many sermon ideas from reading it. In these difficult and dangerous times, this material needs to be in the arsenal of those who seek to bring healing to our hurting nation.”
- Barry Black, United States Senate Chaplain
"The Share the Dream™ curriculum powerfully and effectively addresses the challenges that we face in our country. I believe its message and presentation will assist in bringing a level of understanding and unity."
-John K. Jenkins, Sr.Senior Pastor, First Baptist of Glenarden, Maryland; President, Converge Worldwide; Chairman of the Board, National Association of Evangelicals

Martin Luther King Jr. personifies the converge of faith and social justice without which the civil rights movement never would have succeeded. As the leader of America’s largest and most influential Hispanic/Latino Christian organization with over 40,000 member churches in the United States and Latin America, I’m pleased to endorse Share the Dream as an effort to raise up thousands of new Martin Luther King, Jrs. from every community in our diverse nation.
- Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
I’m thrilled to endorse this study of Martin Luther King Jr., who represented Jesus so beautifully in his generation, and engages another generation in peacemaking, justice, and faith proclamation for today. I believe this is the time to move forward in faithfulness to this generation.
- Danielle Strickland, author, speaker, trainer, and global social justice advocate

As president and founder of NaLEC, I was personally influenced by the teachings of Dr. King and I know that much of his work and writings are a necessary antidote for the division and violence in our world. Our prayer is that Share the Dream™ would be distributed far and wide to as many communities as possible. NaLEC is asking that you prayerfully consider this important resource in your ministry. In the words of Victor Hugo, “It is an idea whose time has come.”
- Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero, President, National Latino Evangelical Coalition

I enthusiastically endorse the six-session video series Share the Dream™ that examines the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This series highlights the spiritual aspect behind the early Civil Rights Movement, reminding us that it was fueled not just by human principles, but by God’s love for all people. This series will enable us to be catalysts for positive change through principles that unify like hope, freedom, justice, and perseverance…those principles that were at the very core of Dr. King’s lifelong dedication. We are looking forward to being a part of this conversation to help inspire those we touch to live their life with humility and to respect each person as someone loved by God.
- Kathy Scheuerman, President of Basketball Club International

In a time of rising violence in our nation and world, Dr. King’s Gospel-based principles offer a path for all people of goodwill to create a better future for our children. The timeless spiritual principles that helped our nation a half century ago are as important today as they were then. They offer a proven path for the Body of Christ in all of its diversity to move towards Dr. King’s vision of beloved community and thereby shine a light for unity in our increasingly divided nation.
- Bishop Derek Grier, founding pastor of Grace Church in Dumfries, Virginia
“There were at least three distinct characteristics that marked the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: his deeply principled approach in pursuit of civil rights for all, his commitment to what is just and true, and his relentless movement towards the beloved community. Drawing from Dr. King’s life, leadership, and faith driven convictions, this series guides you on an incisive and thought provoking reflective journey that can move us from division towards unity as extremists for love that doesn’t compromise what is good, true, beautiful, and just.”
Raymond Chang, President of Asian American Christian Collaborative & Executive Director of TENx10 Collaboration
Endorsed by the following organizations
The best way to Share the Dream™ is to follow in Dr. King’s footsteps and embrace his vision. You can help a new generation better understand, live, experience, and ultimately form a community around the unifying principles at the heart of the dream to which Dr. King dedicated his life.
Ebenezer baptist church launch event:
More than 20 faith leaders and civil rights veterans met recently at Ebenezer Baptist Church (the church where Martin Luther King, Jr. pastored from 1960-1968) to discuss ways to mark the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and the historic deliverance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
Share the Dream exists to spread Dr. King’s message to all generations and build a community around the principles of love, conscience, freedom, justice, perseverance and hope.