Find Your Next End Times Bible Study

Perfect for churches, small groups and individuals, these Bible studies on the end times, eschatology and the book of Revelation will leave you feeling hopeful about the state of the world and the coming victory of Jesus.

What Happens Next by Max Lucado

When it comes to considering the events that will signal the end of the age, you have a choice as to how you will respond. You can see these circumstances through the eyes of fear or faith. The eyes of fear see little reason for hope and ample reason for anxiety. However, the eyes of faith see history inching closer and closer to a new era that will usher in a heavenly destiny—a time when you will "reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize" (Philippians 3:14 nlt). God has told you what to expect not to scare you but to prepare you. He is like a pilot on the intercom telling the passengers about impending turbulence. A good pilot keeps his travelers informed. Your good Father does the same!

Max Lucado with his optimistic Bible study on the end times.

The Overcomers by Matt Chandler

For the last 2,000 years, the book of Revelation has given courage—not fear—to Christians around the world. In this 8-session video Bible study (video access included), bestselling author and pastor Matt Chandler will explore the book of Revelation and what it's teaching us about the days we live in now, about the body of believers, and about Christ, our King.

Revelation: Extravagant Hope by Margaret Feinberg

Of all the books of the Bible, Revelation is the one that mystifies and unsettles people the most. From numerical signs to monsters, the book of Apocalypse in the Bible can be difficult to wrap our minds around, but the message that Revelation really brings is hope. In this six-session video Bible study (video streaming included), Bible teacher and author Margaret Feinberg digs into John's Revelation to show us how the final book of the Bible reminds us of God's power and promises during times of great suffering and persecution.

Revelation: Extravagant Hope

Revelation: Witness and Worship in the World by Scot McKnight

Revelation is a wake-up call, not a blueprint for the final apocalypse. John spotlights corrupt human politics while unveiling the coming of the true King, Jesus Christ. Followers of Christ are shown as witnesses to the coming King and worshipers of the Lamb of God.

In this volume of the New Testament Everyday Bible Study series, Scot McKnight boldly tackles political issues, transcending party lines to expose the danger of equating America with God’s kingdom. Revelation unveils sins that beset first-century Christians and still beset us today: idolatry, immorality, and injustice. Fortunately, the book also provides us imaginative visions of how followers of Jesus are to live when surrounded by these timeless sins.

Revelation: Witness and Worship in the World

Revelation: The Ultimate Hope in Christ by Dr. David Jeremiah

Even in John's day, many Christians wanted to know when Christ would come again—when the plan of salvation would be accomplished. Throughout the book of Revelation, in all of its confusing images and prophecies, God's stunning faithfulness and love is on full display as he offers up every chance for sinners to claim redemption and join him forever. Follow Dr. Jeremiah through the book of Revelation in a chapter-by-chapter study that will help you understand what it meant to the people at the time it was written, and what it means to Christians today.


Revelation: The Ultimate Hope in Christ

Revelation: The Christian's Ultimate Victory by John MacArthur

The book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ in his glory and victorious return. And yet no other New Testament book of the Bible poses more serious and difficult interpretative challenges. John MacArthur will take you through the book, passage by passage, so that you can better understand everything from the historical context to the coming of Christ's Kingdom.

Revelation: The Christian's Ultimate Victory

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