What are your going to study this fall? Below are 5 ideal options, covering the book of Revelation, biblical prophecy, God’s faithfulness, understanding our emotions, and the book of Judges – a time when the country of Israel was dealing with a lack of leadership and people doing whatever they felt right in their own eyes.
Check out these 5 studies and click the links to watch full sessions to get the scope of the teaching and study.
Not only do all our newest study guides come with streaming video access, we are continually converting our top studies from a few years ago to also include streaming video. There is no additional purchase needed for the streaming video! On the inside front cover of the study guide is an access code to StudyGateway.com where you can access the video teaching for the study you own. there is no need to get a subscription or enter a credit card number! The study guide code is all you need.
Here are 5 of the most recent studies we’ve converted to include access to the streaming video. In some of these we’ve increased the size of the guides so there is more room to write.
We all have a foot in two different worlds, whether we realize it or not: the physical world, and the spiritual world. And what happens in the spiritual world definitely affects what happens in the physical world – it’s just difficult to recognize sometimes. Maybe you’d like your eyes opened to the reality of the spiritual world or maybe you’d like to understand the Holy Spirit deeper or maybe you’d like some spiritual rhythms that will deeper your connection to Jesus and the world to come. Wherever you find yourself today, here are 5 video Bible studies that help you explore the spiritual world:
Mothers are entrusted with a divine mission: to nurture and guide their children towards knowing God. But this calling comes with hard questions, difficult challenges, and unparalleled joys. From how to capture peace in the midst of hard seasons, apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles, or experience Jesus’ presence every single day, these Bible studies will equip and encourage moms in their daily walk with God.
For Christians, the book of Revelation in the Bible holds the key to understanding the hope of Heaven and the promise of a glorious eternity with our Lord. This biblical text, the final chapter of God’s Word, serves as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. It provides us with a vision of what awaits us as believers, a glimpse into the heavenly realm, and a reminder of the eternal promises that God has prepared for those who love Him.
If you haven’t studied Revelation before, we invite you to start today. Revelation doesn’t have to be intimidating or scary! Each chapter offers a unique perspective on our heavenly hope, reinforcing our faith, and assuring us that, despite the tumultuous world we live in, God’s ultimate plan is one of restoration, redemption, and eternal joy— where every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more.
You will be inspired, encouraged, and filled with anticipation with these exciting video Bible studies available from HarperChristian Resources.
Most Christians miss the ultimate hope for their future because their views of heaven are vague, religious . . . and, frankly, boring. Hope begins when we understand that for the believer, nothing is lost. Heaven is not an endless life of harp strumming and worship singing in the clouds. Rather, the life we long for – the paradise Adam and Eve knew – is precisely the life that is coming to us. And that life is coming soon.
In this five-session study, John Eldredge explores the revolutionary idea that according to the Bible, heaven is not our eternal home – the New Earth is. Jesus said the next chapter of our story begins with “the renewal of all things” (Matthew 19:28), by which he meant the earth we love, ourselves, and all the things that make for a rich life: music, art, food, and laughter. God’s promise is that everything shall be renewed “when the world is made new.”
2. Revelation: Extravagant Hope – Margaret Feinberg
Have you ever heard someone say they are afraid of the book of Revelation? Or perhaps without knowing, simply described the book in a negative or challenging way?
Nothing could be more incorrect as the entire book is a descriptive and poignant expression of what John was blessed to see that each of us longs to know—a place, an end, an eternity that is promised and is the very definition of hope, extravagant hope.
As a part of the Beautiful Word Bible Study Series, Bible teacher and author Margaret Feinberg digs into the book of Revelation and the letters to the churches found there. She takes complex and sometimes illusive content and leads us on a journey where we come to realize everything we have hoped for is there, on the pages, waiting for us. Margaret connects beautiful words to this final book of the Bible inspiring women to forever be reminded of the one thing we all long for—extravagant hope.
Watch this clip from Margaret’s study on Revelation:
Revelation is a wake-up call, not a blueprint for the final apocalypse. John spotlights corrupt human politics while unveiling the coming of the true King, Jesus Christ. Followers of Christ are shown as witnesses to the coming King and worshipers of the Lamb of God.
In this volume of the New Testament Everyday Bible Study series, Scot McKnight boldly tackles political issues, transcending party lines to expose the danger of equating America with God’s kingdom. Revelation unveils sins that beset first century Christians and still beset us today: idolatry, immorality, and injustice. Fortunately, the book also provides us imaginative visions of how followers of Jesus are to live when surrounded by these timeless sins.
John tells readers that we are blessed by God if we listen, learn, and follow the words of Jesus, worshiping God alongside the hosts of heaven. Be empowered to courageously dissent against corrupt powers and shine a light in a world of darkness.
Many Christians believe our future in heaven is all that really matters. But that’s not what the Bible teaches. In this six-session small group Bible study, premier Bible scholar N. T. Wright brings you inside the Scriptures to grasp the full, breathtaking hope Jesus offers the world, and its impact on your life today.
Gain an exciting new vision for your life on earth in light of your future in heaven. Wonderful as is the promise of heaven, a glorious hereafter is just part of what salvation is about.
What about today? Jesus called his followers the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Your life here and now is of tremendous consequence, and what you believe about the future has a direct impact on how you live in the present.
Surprised by Hope provides a clearer vision both of the future and of God’s kingdom at hand today.
Watch this clip from Surprised by Hope from N.T. Wright:
Does evidence for an afterlife actually exist? Each of us wants to know what awaits on the other side of death. Is there any convincing proof that we will live on in eternity? If so, what will our experience be like?
In this five-session Bible study, Lee Strobel investigates the evidence for the existence of heaven and hell. Strobel offers compelling answers for questions such as:
How can we know there is an afterlife?
What will heaven be like?
Does God really send people to hell?
Will we have the same personality after we die?
What does it mean to live with an eye on eternity?
Along the way, you will encounter explorations of such topics as angels, Satan, demons, and the exclusivity claims of Christ. In addition, you’ll receive a unique perspective from Lee based on his own experience of nearly dying several years ago. Follow Strobel on this journey of discovery of the entirely credible, believable, and exhilarating life to come.
Watch the promo from Lee on The Case for Heaven (and Hell):
In The Overcomers Bible study, pastor Matt Chandler takes you through each chapter in Revelation, revealing how it is not just about future events but also has practical relevance for your life right now. You are a part of a spiritual family that has helped to bring about God’s purposes over the centuries! As a member of the church that carries on that mission today, you are an Overcomer—a believer who is propelled by scriptural truths and empowered by the work of Jesus.
Jesus is on His throne today and has secured the victory over the enemy. You can enter His presence and draw on that authority. For you are an Overcomer!
Embarking on a journey through the lives of biblical characters is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment, and profound encounter with God. From the courageous faith of Esther to the passion of David to the perseverance of Elijah, each character invites us to delve deeper into the complexities of faith, courage, doubt, and redemption. Here are 5 studies from trusted teachers on biblical characters.
While Christmas gets a lot of attention–and rightfully so!-Easter is the most important date on the church calendar and annual celebration in our lives. Whether you and your group observe Lent or are wanting to dive into the life and work of Jesus leading into Easter, here are the top 5 studies from trusted teachers for Easter.
1. 40 Days through the Bible– Lysa TerKeurst & Joel Muddamalle
We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team have created an eight-week study that will help you understand the story of the Bible, from start to finish, along with its amazing promises.
Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.
Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.
Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.
Here’s a taste of what 40 Days through the Bible is all about:
2. Signs & Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John – Rabbi Jason Sobel
Does God still do miracles? It’s a question many ask when they read about the wonders God does in the Bible. In Signs and Secrets of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel seeks to answer this question by drawing on Jesus’ miracles in the Gospel of John, biblical culture, and ancient texts. He reveals how Jesus takes the ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary (He turned water into wine), gives new life (He healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda), and blesses you so you can bless others (He multiplied the loaves and fish). God still does the miraculous . . . if we only open our eyes to see it.
3. Savior (Jesus Bible Study Series): The Story of God’s Rescue Plan – Passion Publishing
In the six lessons of Savior, you will explore how Jesus—being fully human but also fully divine—was able to offer himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. You will learn about Jesus’ mission for humanity, the kingdom of God he ushered in, and how he made a way for all who believe in him to be saved. Savior will help you see that even though God may feel distant at times, he is always working for your good and his glory. God has always been faithful to his people—and he always will be.
Have you ever been at odds with God? Have you resisted, defied, or tried to bargain your way out of what you thought God wanted? You aren’t alone. Scripture documents similar stories.
In this Easter Study, Andy Stanley looks at some of the people whose lives intersected with Jesus in the weeks leading to his crucifixion. Each of them had an agenda that put them at odds with God and Jesus. As you’ll see, there’s a little bit of them in all of us.
5. The Case for Easter: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus – Lee Strobel
In this four-week Easter study, Lee investigates the story surrounding the resurrection of Jesus—and how we can know that it is true.
In each session, you’ll explore:
How to understand the differences between the Gospel accounts.
How to use historical and medical evidence to build a strong case for Jesus’ resurrection.
Why the Gospel writers are credible when they make this claim.
Who witnessed Jesus alive after the crucifixion and how it’s clear that the early church carried on this teaching.
The Case for Easter invites you and your group to examine the evidence for yourselves and point you to the conclusion that Jesus was the Son of God who conquered the grave.
Jesus loves his diverse and beautiful family. We are all adopted children. Grace is the pathway into God’s family. Because God is drawing in people from every tribe, background, and walk of life, his family will always be as diverse as the human race. Because Jesus is Lord and the Holy Spirit transforms hearts, God’s family can be united and love one another in the midst of our many differences. When this happens, God delights and the world looks on in wonder.
Here are the Top 5 studies from trusted teachers on promoting unity in your church community.
1. Ephesians: Life in God’s Diverse Family– Derwin Gray
Ephesus was comprised of people who came from different backgrounds—racially, economically, and politically. So it’s little wonder the believers in that city were finding it difficult come together as one, put aside their differences, and get along in God’s new family. In other words, the church in Ephesus was having the same problems we face today.
Inthis study, bestselling author and pastor Derwin Gray guides you through this letter to the Ephesians, revealing what Paul’s words meant to his original readers and how they apply to you today. You will be encouraged to learn both the content and the context of the letter and then apply the message to your daily life.
Join Derwin on a journey through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that will encourage you to live in the grace and mercy of God to show the world what life with God looks like.
2. Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better – Brant Hansen
It’s a provocative idea: We are not entitled to get offended or stay angry at other people. The idea of our own “righteous anger” is a myth. Instead, the Bible calls every follower of Christ to do something radical and countercultural: Let go of our anger and forgive.
As it turns out, giving up our right to be offended is one of the most freeing, healthy, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, and encouraging things we can do. It allows us to recognize that people are broken and stop being scandalized by their actions. It enables us to accept people and stop judging them. It creates a way for us to not just love others but to actually like them.
In this six-session Bible study, based on the bestselling book of the same name, Brant Hansen shares practical ways to live life with less stress and more care by becoming unoffendable. In his highly entertaining style, he seeks to lift the religious burdens from our backs and allow us to experience the joy of gratitude every day of our lives—flourishing the way God intended.
3. Share the Dream: Shining a Light in a Divided World through Six Principles of Martin Luther King Jr. – Daniels and Broussard
Dr. King and the men and women around him were able to change history through the power of a dream that was not rooted in mere human principles. That dream was rooted in the love of God for all his children made in his image.
Share the Dream™ is a six-session video Bible study (streaming code included) based on the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each session revolves around one of the biblical principles that shaped Dr. King’s life and motivated him to speak on behalf of African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement.
How can we unify instead of be more polarized? In the book of Colossians, Paul implores us to have the peace of Christ reign in our hearts.
In this video Bible study, author and pastor Jay Y. Kim will guide you through this letter to the Colossians, revealing what Paul’s words meant to his original readers and how they apply to you today. You will be encouraged to learn both the content and the context of the letter and then apply the message to your daily life.
Join Jay on a journey through Paul’s letter to the Colossians to explore the claim that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—and that Christian living revolves around Jesus.
5. God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists & White Knuckles – John Siebeling & Wayne Francis
God’s plan for the church is a body that represents “every nation, tribe, people and language” (Revelation 7:9). Sadly, this is not how the church looks today. Odds are that if you walk into a church, you will find a group of people who look like they belong to the same tribe and nation.
What’s more, believers often feel the words God and race don’t go together. We would rather talk about anything else other than race. But unless we start to have these open-handed conversations, we will never move beyond the “black fists” and “white knuckles” that leave so many of our churches divided today.
In this Bible study, John Siebeling and Wayne Francis provide a non-threatening means for pastors, church leaders, and churchgoers to start to dialogue about this important issue. God and Race probes the meaning of racial reconciliation and reveals how the church can be a positive and effective leader to move us forward, beyond hate and injustice, to equality and love.
Your soul is the best connection to God there is and caring for your soul is necessary for your Christian life. When you nurture your soul your life in this world will come to make sense again; you can find your way back to God from hopelessness, depression, relationship struggles, and a lack of fulfillment. Explore what your soul is, why it is important, how to assess your soul’s health, and how to care for it so that you can have a meaningful and beautiful life with God and others.
Here are the Top 5 studies from trusted teachers on the caring for your soul.
1. Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times– John Eldredge
Our souls don’t need inspiration and cute stories. We need a survival guide—which is exactly what the Resilient study is designed to be. How are you going to adjust your life for recovery and resilience after the several years we’ve all lived through? You can’t just slog on, burning everything you have to sustain what you think you ought to be doing. A time like ours requires real cunning. So don’t let your weariness drag you off the mountain. Make the decision to change your daily routines to develop a resilient soul.
Resilient leads you to the peace only God can give in a world gone mad—and helps you receive from Jesus the strength that prevails.
2. Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose – Rebekah Lyons
Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God’s peace. In Rhythms of Renewal, beloved author Rebekah Lyons draws from her own battle with depression and anxiety and shares a pathway to establish four life-giving rhythms modeled by Jesus that quiet inner chaos and make room for a flourishing life. With heartening stories, research and practical steps to take action, Rebekah charts a path through four profound rhythms to cultivate the vibrant life you were meant to live. By taking time to rest, restore, connect, and create, you will discover how to take charge of your emotional health and inspire your loved ones to do the same, and overcome anxiety by establishing daily habits that keep you mentally and physically strong.
3. Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It’s Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind – Louie Giglio
We’ve all been in circumstances that cause our minds to spin with thoughts that are unproductive, destructive, and harmful. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder why we keep falling into the same thought patterns. but these thoughts are not from God, rather, they’re from an enemy lurking who wants to seize every opportunity to lie his way into our minds and claim control over our lives.
Rooted in the timeless truth of Psalm 23, the Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table Bible study will help you discover God’s plans for you to experience rest from your striving, joy beyond your circumstances, and intimacy with him.
4. Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God – Gary Thomas
As believers in Christ, many of us today fall into the trap of thinking we have to approach God in a certain way. This one-size-fits-all mentality typically leaves them feeling frustrated and distant from God. But the truth is that not every person will engage with God in the same way.
In Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas describes nine spiritual temperaments and provides tools to assess your key pathway and encourages you to investigate the ways you most naturally express yourself in your relationship with God.
If your spiritual walk is not what you’d like it to be, you can change that, starting here.
5. The Broken Way: A Daring Path into the Abundant Life – Ann Voskamp
We are fragile and we know it. Sometimes, living with Christ in a messed-up world feels less like victory and more like walking uphill. Ann Voskamp, the author of One Thousand Gifts, sits at the edge of her life and her own unspoken brokenness and asks: What if you really want to live abundantly before it’s too late? What do you do if you really want to know abundant wholeness?
This study is for the lovers and the sufferers. For the busted ones who are ready to bust free, the ones ready to break molds, break chains, break measuring sticks, and break all this bad brokenness with an unlikely good brokenness. You could be one of the Beloved who is broken—and still lets yourself be loved.