Not only do all our newest study guides come with streaming video access, we are continually converting our top studies from a few years ago to also include streaming video. There is no additional purchase needed for the streaming video! On the inside front cover of the study guide is an access code to where you can access the video teaching for the study you own. there is no need to get a subscription or enter a credit card number! The study guide code is all you need.
Here are 5 of the most recent studies we’ve converted to include access to the streaming video. In some of these we’ve increased the size of the guides so there is more room to write.
Host of the popular podcast, The Joycast, Margaret Feinberg is a popular Bible teacher and speaker at churches and leading conferences such as Thrive and Women of Joy, and creator of best-selling coloring and creative books for grown ups. She is the teacher of several Bible studies including Taste and See, Revelation, and Pursuing God. Her newest Bible study, James is available December 19!
Uncover the deep riches of one of the Bible’s greatest calls to godly living.
“If there’s one book that has taught me that what I do matters, it’s the book of James.” Beloved author and speaker Margaret Feinberg has been teaching the Bible for over 25 years. In her newest Bible study (video streaming included), she leads you through this treasure trove of wisdom and timely teaching.
Join Margaret in a joy-filled, fresh study of the book of the Bible that sounds more like Jesus than any other letter in the New Testament. You’ll discover the genuine markers of true faith, develop new practices of spiritual maturity, and discover how much the Father of heavenly lights treasures you.
Margaret Feinberg, one of America’s most beloved Bible teachers, speaks at churches and leading conferences around the world. She’s host of the popular podcast The Joycast, and her books and Bible studies, including Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers, have sold more than one million copies. She lives life with her husband, Leif, and their rowdy pup, Zoom.