08 July

Pursuing God’s Love in the Book of Genesis

by Margaret Feinberg

When it comes to rock climbing, I’m still a beginner. But I love watching skilled rock climbers scale rocks. They remind me of the importance of courage and commitment, no matter what challenges we’re facing in life.

A while back, I remember that I was feeling like I had hit a rock wall with God. I was still carving out time to spend with God each day, reading the scripture, praying, asking God to lead, direct, speak into my life. And all I heard was silence. When I face times like those in my life, the only thing I know to do is not give up. Stay courageous. Stay committed. Keep pursuing God and his love, even when I feel like I’m struggling to find the next handhold of faith.

Well, the weeks rolled into months. And I remember thinking, maybe it’s time to go back to the beginning. I opened my Bible to Genesis 1 and began reading. And for the first time in a long time, I felt that spark of connection with God. I kept reading morning after morning. When I finally finished those 50 chapters of Genesis, I returned to the beginning and read it again. That tiny spark became a steady flame.

Continue reading “Pursuing God’s Love in the Book of Genesis”
24 June

5 Bible Studies Now with Streaming Video Access

Not only do all our newest study guides come with streaming video access, we are continually converting our top studies from a few years ago to also include streaming video. There is no additional purchase needed for the streaming video! On the inside front cover of the study guide is an access code to StudyGateway.com where you can access the video teaching for the study you own. there is no need to get a subscription or enter a credit card number! The study guide code is all you need.

Here are 5 of the most recent studies we’ve converted to include access to the streaming video. In some of these we’ve increased the size of the guides so there is more room to write.

Continue reading “5 Bible Studies Now with Streaming Video Access”
12 February

5 Tips to Dealing with Difficult Small Group Members by Margaret Feinberg

Now maybe like me, you’ve been part of a small group where one or two people make it, ahem, challenging to stay focused on the Scripture and spiritual growth. 

Maybe you’ve got a talker who takes so long to tell a story there’s no time for anyone else. Or maybe you’ve got a member that pipes up with the “right answer’ so quickly that there’s no space for anyone else to wrestling through the question. Or maybe you’ve got a member that never says a word.

What do you do? 

Of course, you love them, respond in gentleness, redirect with humor (when appropriate), and celebrate that they’re made in God’s image.  

But what else? 

Continue reading “5 Tips to Dealing with Difficult Small Group Members by Margaret Feinberg”
05 December

Get to Know…Margaret Feinberg

Host of the popular podcast, The Joycast, Margaret Feinberg is a popular Bible teacher and speaker at churches and leading conferences such as Thrive and Women of Joy, and creator of best-selling coloring and creative books for grown ups. She is the teacher of several Bible studies including Taste and See, Revelation, and Pursuing God. Her newest Bible study, James is available December 19!

Click here to learn more!

Get to know Margaret in a few questions –>

  1. What is on your music playlist right now? Lots of Brandon Lake
  2. Name one of the most epic things you’ve ever done. Met King Charles.
  3. Where is your favorite place outside of home? Our front deck. I’m sitting outside and watching the world go by.
  4. If you could only have the same meal/dessert the rest of your life, what would it be? Dark chocolate peanut butter cups.
  5. What is one thing you always have with you when you travel? Cute little footies for the plane ride.
  6. What is your most-used emoji? 😂
  7. Learn even more about Margaret on her website here.

James: What You Do Matters Bible study

Uncover the deep riches of one of the Bible’s greatest calls to godly living.

“If there’s one book that has taught me that what I do matters, it’s the book of James.” Beloved author and speaker Margaret Feinberg has been teaching the Bible for over 25 years. In her newest Bible study (video streaming included), she leads you through this treasure trove of wisdom and timely teaching.

Join Margaret in a joy-filled, fresh study of the book of the Bible that sounds more like Jesus than any other letter in the New Testament. You’ll discover the genuine markers of true faith, develop new practices of spiritual maturity, and discover how much the Father of heavenly lights treasures you.


Margaret Feinberg, one of America’s most beloved Bible teachers, speaks at churches and leading conferences around the world. She’s host of the popular podcast The Joycast, and her books and Bible studies, including Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers, have sold more than one million copies. She lives life with her husband, Leif, and their rowdy pup, Zoom.

27 November

New Studies in December 2023

Now that you are done with all your Christmas shopping for everyone else — you are done, right? — it’s time to think about how you want to start off your 2024 with God. Start off the year with a call to godly living in Margaret Feinberg’s James. In a world that cries out to be seen, Allison Allen-Bible teacher and co-host of the Back Porch Theology podcast with Lisa Harper-teaches that a life that doesn’t seek to be seen is a gift from God in her new video Bible study, Hidden. Keep reading to learn more about each of these and more!

Continue reading “New Studies in December 2023”