24 June

5 Bible Studies Now with Streaming Video Access

Not only do all our newest study guides come with streaming video access, we are continually converting our top studies from a few years ago to also include streaming video. There is no additional purchase needed for the streaming video! On the inside front cover of the study guide is an access code to StudyGateway.com where you can access the video teaching for the study you own. there is no need to get a subscription or enter a credit card number! The study guide code is all you need.

Here are 5 of the most recent studies we’ve converted to include access to the streaming video. In some of these we’ve increased the size of the guides so there is more room to write.

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31 January

New Studies in February 2024

2024 is a leap year, meaning we all get an extra day on February 29. What are you going to do with all that bonus time? How about more Bible study? Identify the unhealthy ways you might be coping with emotions in Jennie Allen’s Untangle Your Emotions. Or discover how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be in Think Ahead by Craig Groeschel. Keep reading to learn more about both of these and others!

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27 November

New Studies in December 2023

Now that you are done with all your Christmas shopping for everyone else — you are done, right? — it’s time to think about how you want to start off your 2024 with God. Start off the year with a call to godly living in Margaret Feinberg’s James. In a world that cries out to be seen, Allison Allen-Bible teacher and co-host of the Back Porch Theology podcast with Lisa Harper-teaches that a life that doesn’t seek to be seen is a gift from God in her new video Bible study, Hidden. Keep reading to learn more about each of these and more!

Continue reading “New Studies in December 2023”