11 November

Trust Check-In with Lysa TerKeurst

We all have various forms of trust issues because we’ve spent our lives interacting with other humans, and humans are prone to making hurtful, selfish choices. I want you to know that whether you were hurt years ago, or you are walking through a confusing and hurtful situation right now, I’ve dealt with broken trust in the past, and just when I think I’ve made progress in moving forward, a word or memory can trigger the pain, and the wounds feel raw. But I also know that healing is possible with God’s help. Ultimately, my hope for you is that you’ll regain the confidence that God is completely trustworthy.

Journaling Activity

Take a look at the three arenas of trust below. As you think about these arenas, in which one have you experienced trust issues more than the others? Take a few minutes to journal and summarize what you are thinking and feeling about trust in this area.


In addition to physical harm, a lack of physical safety can include when someone is dismissive over your concerns or there’s a lack of protection.


This can include threatening, yelling, or intentionally making someone feel afraid or belittled. It can also include harmful disclosures of confidential information, disloyalty, infidelity, and dishonesty.


When scripture is used as a weapon or a manipulation tactic to gain control, keep power over someone, or disregard the other person’s personal dignity an value as a son or daughter of God.

Additional Resources

i want to trust you but I don't study guide

After thousands of hours of counseling intensives and theological research, Lysa TerKeurst has discovered how crucial it is to develop the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don’t become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship. Building upon and further unpacking the scriptural concepts in her book I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t, this six-session Bible study (video access included) will equip you to:

  • Identify which of the 11 relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you’re able to better pinpoint why you’re feeling uneasy.
  • Recognize when it’s possible to repair a fractured relationship and how to do it with a five-step framework you can start using today.
  • Understand what the Bible says about trusting God and others so you’re equipped to make decisions that are in line with Scripture.
  • Learn how to know the difference between a feeling you’re having and true discernment from the Holy Spirit so you can move on from the past with more wisdom and assurance.

Watch Session 1 of “I Want to Trust You, But I Don’t”


28 October

Overcoming Fear of the End Times

I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

-Revelation 6:9-10

This question has been the cry of believers for more than two millennia. How long will godly people have to suffer while evil prevails? How long must we continue to endure in this fallen world? How long will Jesus’ return be delayed? The answer that God provides to the apostle John through the book of Revelation reveals both His sovereignty and His grace: until the plan of salvation has been accomplished. Throughout the book, we see the tension play out between judgment and redemption, with God several times pausing his acts to issue a call to repentance. For all its prophetic value, the book of Revelation is also a stunning testament to God’s faithfulness—and a plea for all people to receive the grace and mercy that He offers while there is still time.

John opens the book of Revelation with an explanation to his audience— believers located in seven churches in Asia Minor—that what they are about to read was revealed to him directly by Christ. He affirms that he is John the disciple, their brother and companion in tribulation, who is living in exile on the isle of Patmos. The vision that John witnessed must have startled him. Despite the number of years that had passed since he had last seen Jesus, he would have certainly still had vivid memories of Jesus’ earthly appearance. But the One he saw in his vision bore little resemblance to the man he had known. This Christ was not the lowly Galilean rabbi or the gentle Lamb of God. He was the awe-inspiring Judge of the nations revealed in all His glory—the mighty Lion of God. While other people in the New Testament also encountered the risen Lord, none of them was specifically instructed to write down what they had seen so it could be read by others. What John saw is for all believers everywhere and every time.

John uses physical descriptions to record his vision of Christ, but these descriptions are also deeply symbolic about Jesus’ nature. First, Jesus is wearing a flowing robe and a golden band around His chest (see Revelation 1:13), which refers to His role as the great High Priest of His people. His hair is “white like wool” (verse 14), which speaks of His wisdom and eternal nature.

Jesus’ eyes are far different than when John saw them last. Gone is the compassion that the disciple likely remembered. In its place are flames capable of penetrating the deepest part of the soul. His feet are like brass, symbolizing His power to judge the nations. His voice is like the roar of many waters, symbolizing its power to be heard across the realm of the earth (see verses 14–15).

 Jesus is holding seven stars in his right hand. In John’s day, the right hand was a symbol of power and safety, and the seven stars are identified as the seven angels who were sent to guide and protect those congregations. The sword that comes out of Jesus’ mouth represents the Word of God, which He will use to judge humanity. The brightness of Christ’s face indicates that His light will illuminate a dark and sinful world (see verse 16).

Taken together, these images reveal Jesus as the Holy One who is coming to judge the works of His church. All believers will stand before Him as He evaluates their deeds. We may imagine ourselves reacting as John did at such a prospect—by falling down in a dead faint—but we must remember He is the same Savior in whom we have put our trust.

So, while the images may seem alarming, we have nothing to fear. In fact, we can take comfort from this passage. Jesus not only knows the future but also lives in it just as comfortably as He does in what has been. He holds all power in His hands, yet He invites us to draw near and walk with Him. He sees everything that lies ahead for each one of us and says to us all, “Do not be afraid!”

Adapted from Revelation: The Ultimate Hope in Christ (Jeremiah Bible Study Series) by Dr. David Jeremiah.

30 September

Top 5 Advent Bible Studies

If you’re not careful, Thanksgiving comes, and the Christmas crush is on. And it does just that. It crushes us with the busyness and the stress and all that we’ve got to get done and check off our list. Then, all of a sudden, the whole thing is over, and we’ve missed the miracle that is Christmas. 

And that’s why it’s important to slow down and consider the rhythm of the Advent and Christmas season. Advent, at its core is about waiting. Specifically, it’s about waiting in expectation, and remembering that God comes through on his promises.  

You might be in a part of the story right now where you can’t see how all the pieces are coming together, God’s working right now amid the waiting. While you’re waiting on God, God is working his plan in your life.

Here are the Top 5 Bible studies from trusted teachers on the waiting season of Advent.

Continue reading “Top 5 Advent Bible Studies”
05 August

5 Bible Studies for Fall 2024

What are your going to study this fall? Below are 5 ideal options, covering the book of Revelation, biblical prophecy, God’s faithfulness, understanding our emotions, and the book of Judges – a time when the country of Israel was dealing with a lack of leadership and people doing whatever they felt right in their own eyes.

Check out these 5 studies and click the links to watch full sessions to get the scope of the teaching and study.

Continue reading “5 Bible Studies for Fall 2024”
24 June

5 Bible Studies Now with Streaming Video Access

Not only do all our newest study guides come with streaming video access, we are continually converting our top studies from a few years ago to also include streaming video. There is no additional purchase needed for the streaming video! On the inside front cover of the study guide is an access code to StudyGateway.com where you can access the video teaching for the study you own. there is no need to get a subscription or enter a credit card number! The study guide code is all you need.

Here are 5 of the most recent studies we’ve converted to include access to the streaming video. In some of these we’ve increased the size of the guides so there is more room to write.

Continue reading “5 Bible Studies Now with Streaming Video Access”
28 May

Top 5 Bible Studies on the Spiritual World

We all have a foot in two different worlds, whether we realize it or not: the physical world, and the spiritual world. And what happens in the spiritual world definitely affects what happens in the physical world – it’s just difficult to recognize sometimes. Maybe you’d like your eyes opened to the reality of the spiritual world or maybe you’d like to understand the Holy Spirit deeper or maybe you’d like some spiritual rhythms that will deeper your connection to Jesus and the world to come. Wherever you find yourself today, here are 5 video Bible studies that help you explore the spiritual world:

Continue reading “Top 5 Bible Studies on the Spiritual World”
22 April

Top 5 Bible Studies for Moms

Mothers are entrusted with a divine mission: to nurture and guide their children towards knowing God. But this calling comes with hard questions, difficult challenges, and unparalleled joys. From how to capture peace in the midst of hard seasons, apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles, or experience Jesus’ presence every single day, these Bible studies will equip and encourage moms in their daily walk with God.

Continue reading “Top 5 Bible Studies for Moms”
12 December

Top 4 New Year-New You Bible Studies

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, many of us are drawn to the idea of starting something or ending something—a fresh start, a clean slate, and the opportunity to become more like our Savior.

As we step into the new year, it’s the ideal moment to dive into the richness of the Scriptures, seeking wisdom, solace, and inspiration to grow in our relationship with God.

In this blog, we’ll explore 4 Bible studies that can have on your spiritual growth. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to faith, these Bible studies can illuminate your path and empower you to embrace the new year with a renewed sense of purpose. So, let’s embark on this spiritual journey together, discovering how the ancient wisdom of the Bible can bring about a new you in the coming year.

Here are the Top 4 studies from trusted teachers perfect to start off the new year.

1. Don’t Look Back – Christine Caine

Don't Look Back Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward with Passion and Purpose

With a rallying cry to “remember Lot’s wife,” Bible teacher Christine Caine motivates us to stop looking back, to let go, and to move forward into what God promises for our lives. With the strategies Christine shares, this study will equip you to:

• stop looking back and start looking to Jesus;

• invite Jesus to help you let go of whatever is holding you back;

• step into God’s plans, purposes, and promises.

Jesus told us to remember Lot’s wife because he wants us to trust him with our future and to boldly follow him into the opportunities and plans we simply don’t yet see.

Here’s Chris talking about the study:

For more on Don’t Look Back from Christine Caine, click here.

2. How (Not) to Read the Bible – Dan Kimball

How (Not) to Read the Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Making Sense of the Anti-women, Anti-science, Pro-violence, Pro-slavery and Other Crazy Sounding Parts of Scripture

Difficult questions arise when we read the Bible. Is God pro violence? Does God endorse slavery? Should we all be vegetarians? Are tattoos sinful? Why does the Bible feel so anti-women and anti-science? Questions like these have caused many to walk away from faith – likely you or someone you are close to. We need to address these issues that come up about the Bible.

In a casual and non-threatening way, pastor Dan Kimball explores these objections and more. The good news is that there are reasonable responses to these good and understandable questions. If church has burned you, bored you, or simply never been of interest, come take a deeper look at Jesus—and find out why the Bible might just be more beautiful than you can imagine.

The How (Not) to Read the Bible video series is a lifeline for individuals or groups who are confused or discouraged with questions about the Bible.

Let Dan Kimball guide you through treading the Bible:

For more on How (Not) to Read the Bible from Dan Kimball, click here

3. Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools – Tyler Staton

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: A Bible Study on Learning to Pray Like Jesus

Prayer doesn’t begin with you; it begins with Jesus

Paul wrote, “Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:34). Interceding. That’s what Jesus is doing right now. He is praying for you. He is the bridge between the Father’s heavenly resources and your earthly life. Every prayer you have ever prayed, and every prayer you ever will pray, is a response to his prayers for you.

Join pastor and author Tyler Staton for a five-session Bible study that takes you to the starting point of a journey that will lead you from receiving the intercession of Christ to interceding with Christ. Along the way you’ll make four stops, summarizing the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught into four core practices: adoration, confession, petition, and intercession. But it all starts and ends not with our prayers, but with Christ’s.

Tyler invites you to join him on a quest to Pray Like Monks:

For more on Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton, click here

4. Habits of the Household – Justin Earley

Habits of the Household Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Simple Practices to Help You and Your Family Draw Closer to God

Parenting happens in habits. We make meals, shuttle our kids to events, answer their questions, discipline them, and do bedtime. But did you know that even these ordinary routines can serve as extraordinary opportunities to live out God’s love in profound ways?

In Habits of the Household, you will discover simple practices you can implement around your daily routines and seemingly mundane moments that will lead to a lifetime of growing closer to God—both for you and the members of your home. Each session includes practical examples of prayers, liturgies, and activities that you and your family can put into practice right away. As you create rhythms around your everyday routines, you will find your family has a greater sense of peace and purpose as your home becomes a place where you learn how to love each other and love God.

Watch the trailer for Habits of the Household:

For more on Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley, click here

03 November

Top 4 Bible Studies for Christmas

If you’re not careful, Thanksgiving comes, and the Christmas crush is on. And it does just that. It crushes us with the busyness and the stress and all that we’ve got to get done and check off our list. Then, all of a sudden, the whole thing is over, and we’ve missed the miracle that is Christmas. 

And that’s why it’s important to slow down and consider the rhythm of the Advent and Christmas season. Advent, at its core is about waiting. Specifically, it’s about waiting in expectation, and remembering that God comes through on his promises.  

You might be in a part of the story right now where you can’t see how all the pieces are coming together, God’s working right now amid the waiting. While you’re waiting on God, God is working his plan in your life.

Here are the Top 4 studies from trusted teachers on the waiting season of Advent.

1. Waiting Here for You: An Advent Journey of Hope – Louie Giglio

Waiting Here for You Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: An Advent Journey of Hope

A season overflowing with anticipation, Christmas comes the same time each year with great hope and promise of a baby born long ago. But this season meant for joy is often consumed by busyness, pressure, mixed emotions, and is gone as quickly as it came.

What is it all for?

In this four session study, pastor Louie Giglio reminds us that it’s in the richness of Advent – a season of expectant waiting and preparation – that we find our answer. And it is throughout this waiting season that we prepare our hearts to greet December 25th with joy, peace, hope, and refreshed promise in our newborn King.

Here’s Louie talking about the series:

For more on Waiting Here for You and Louie Giglio, click here.

2. Because of Bethlehem: Love is Born, Hope is Here – Max Lucado

Because of Bethlehem Bible Study Guide: Love is Born, Hope is Here

No one expected the Messiah to come the way he did. Yet the way he came was every bit as important as the coming itself. The manger is the message.

Because of Bethlehem, God knows what it’s like to be human. Because of Bethlehem, when we talk to him about tough times, he understands. He’s been there. He’s been here. Because of Bethlehem, we no longer have marks on our record…just grace.

For some, Christmas is a time of excitement, celebration, and family, while for others it is a time of loneliness, grief, and loss. No matter what this season holds for you, the promise of Christmas will bring you a lifetime of hope.

Max Lucado guides you through the Advent season:

For more on Because of Bethlehem from Max Lucado, click here

3. The Case for Christmas: Evidence for the Identity of Jesus – Lee Strobel

The Case for Christmas Bible Study Guide: Evidence for the Identity of Jesus

During his faith journey, Lee Strobel investigated the real meaning behind all those nativity scenes he saw outside of churches. In this four-week study, Lee reveals what he discovered from consulting experts on the Bible, archaeology, and messianic prophecy as he sought to separate the truth from the tradition.

Regardless of whether the center of your Christmas decorations is the nativity set on your mantle or the presents under the tree, The Case for Christmas study invites you to look beyond the familiar traditions of the season, challenge you to examine the evidence for yourself, and consider why Christmas really matters and why it’s still so relevant today.

Watch a clip from the first session:

For more on The Case Christmas by Lee Strobel, click here

4. Who Needs Christmas – Andy Stanley

Who Needs Christmas Bible Study Guide

Rediscover the improbable story of Christmas.

Four thousand years ago, God promised he would do something through the bloodline of Abraham. Two thousand years later, Jesus was born. And two thousand years after that, we’re still talking about it.


The story of Jesus’ birth was not what anyone expected: a baby . . . born in the armpit of the Mediterranean . . . to save us from sins that no one thought we needed saving from.

This Christmas season, join Andy Stanley as he unpacks why the improbability of the Christmas story is what makes it so believable. No one could have or would have made it up.

Watch the trailer for Who Needs Christmas:

For more on Who Needs Christmas by Andy Stanley, click here