18 February

When Deconstruction Builds a Stronger Faith

Jesus had scars. The scars that He received on the cross were for the purpose of saving lives. Paul wrote, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Every person on earth was destined for the tragic event of spiritual separation from God. But Jesus’ scars brought the hope of eternal life for all who receive His offer.

28 January

Finding Courage to Admit the Truth

My book The Fix explores the Twelve Steps in detail and illustrates the power they had in the context of my life story when I was facing my addictions. (Yes, that’s plural, because just when I think I have a handle on one struggle, another has often seemed to take its place.) Whenever I’ve reached the end of my rope, the Steps have become my lifeline. The accompanying workbook uses that foundation to help you explore and harness the same dynamic power of the Steps in your own life.

21 January

The POWER of Scars

Jesus had scars. The scars that He received on the cross were for the purpose of saving lives. Paul wrote, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Every person on earth was destined for the tragic event of spiritual separation from God. But Jesus’ scars brought the hope of eternal life for all who receive His offer.

10 January

3 Studies You Can Start Today

Finding the right Bible study can be especially meaningful when exploring life’s more challenging aspects.

31 December

Here’s a Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Bible Studies in 2025

Welcome to 2025! Whether you’re filled with excitement for the year ahead or still finding your footing, one thing is certain—this year offers new opportunities to deepen your faith and spiritual growth. For many of us, Bible studies are an anchor, a time of reflection, growth, and connection.

21 November

New Studies Coming in December 2024

We have lot to be Thankful for this month: a favorite Jennie Allen study that no longer requires DVD’s, the next volume in the New Testament Everyday series, and a hopeful look at the end times from Dr. Jeremiah. Enjoy!

11 November

Trust Check-In with Lysa TerKeurst

We all have various forms of trust issues because we’ve spent our lives interacting with other humans, and humans are prone to making hurtful, selfish choices.

05 November

New Studies Coming in November 2024

We have lot to be Thankful for this month: a favorite Jennie Allen study that no longer requires DVD’s, the next volume in the New Testament Everyday series, and a hopeful look at the end times from Dr. Jeremiah. Enjoy!

28 October

Overcoming Fear of the End Times

How long will godly people have to suffer while evil prevails? How long must we continue to endure in this fallen world? How long will Jesus’ return be delayed? The answer that God provides to the apostle John through the book of Revelation reveals both His sovereignty and His grace: until the plan of salvation has been accomplished. Throughout the book, we see the tension play out between judgment and redemption, with God several

21 October

End Times FAQ With Max Lucado

The term “end times” causes different reactions among people. Some approach the subject with excitement, while others broach it reluctantly or even fearfully. After all, with so many issues in the present, why should we spend our time speculating about the future? Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on […]