“The things we try to avoid and fight against—tribulation, suffering, and persecution—are the very things that produce abundant joy in us.” – Oswald Chambers
God did not call you to success without scars. God has called you to the sacred journey of trusting Him through failure and disappointment. Maybe you should stop asking yourself if you can change and still be great and instead begin asking yourself if you can stay the same and still experience God’s new mercy. The old voices of fear and shame that once haunted and taunted you will surrender to the knowledge you are being made whole. . . . You will be informing your doubt, worry, shame, and fear that their power has moved, and you’re determined to move with it.
Scars mean something. They usually indicate that something significant has happened in a person’s life. A tumble down the stairs. A bite from an animal. A cut on the skin. Every scar tells a story. Yet not all scars exist because of something negative. Some represent new life coming into the world, like the gift of sharing an organ with another person. Some represent a tragic event that was avoided, like the scars received by someone who saved another person’s life.
Jesus had scars. The scars that He received on the cross were for the purpose of saving lives. Paul wrote, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Every person on earth was destined for the tragic event of spiritual separation from God. But Jesus’ scars brought the hope of eternal life for all who receive His offer.
In the Gospels, we see that Jesus did not shy away from showing His scars. “Look at my hands and my feet,” He said to the disciples after the resurrection. “It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have” (Luke 24:39). The first thing that Jesus did when He saw His disciples was show them His scars! He would later also say to Thomas—the disciple who doubted He was alive—“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27).
Jesus received His scars “by becoming obedient to death” (Philippians 2:8). So it would be foolish for us to think we can make it through this life without at least some scrapes and bruises along the way. But the interesting thing about scars is that they are not a permanent fixture in the body. After the scar heals, the body goes through a “remodeling” process. The body rebuilds the scar so it becomes stronger and more like the surrounding tissue.
God will use the scars we receive in our obedience to Him to make us stronger. Slowly, over time, He will remodel us and strengthen us. He will use our scars to reveal to others that we understand what they are going through—for we were once there ourselves. He will use the situations we have gone through to prepare us for His service and fill the voids in other people’s lives. His power will change not only our own lives but also the lives around us. Power is never meant to stay locked up in us. It is to be used in the manner that God deems best.
God gave Adam and Eve the command to “fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). This implies there was something empty that needed to be filled. We see a lot of emptiness in our world today. Souls that are empty. Bustling cities that are empty. Even full churches with leaders who are empty. The command remains for us to “fill the earth.” God doesn’t ask us to live as bystanders or ignore what we could be changing. Rather, He prepares us—sometimes through our scars—to be a powerful force for Him in this world.
Father, help me to see how You have given me power that is to be used for Your glory. Nothing makes You happier than people coming to know You. Help me to have open hands and an open mind to how You may be asking me to make the most of my scars. Prepare me to point others to the fullness found only in You so that I can be the solution that You are calling me to be. Amen.
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Sarah Jakes Roberts is a New York Times Bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker, mother, and wife. Sarah has been creating a disruption in the digital and faith-based space. She is on a philanthropic mission to help women evolve into the best version of themselves. In 2017, Sarah founded Woman Evolve Inc., a digital multimedia platform. Woman Evolve equips women with inspiration, resources, and tools that help them discover their purpose and revolutionize their life.
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In this study guide companion to her New York Times bestseller, Sarah Jakes Roberts unboxes what the Bible says about how followers of Jesus can reclaim and redefine their God-given power.
Tapping into unique power that God has given you isn’t arrogant or over-confident—it’s about claiming and embracing your authentic identity. It’s about experiencing God’s power through you. Start your study today.