Now is an ideal time to think through what you want to study in the new year. In what ways do you want to grow in your faith? We have a few new studies that can help you kick off the year right. Help you and your family develop simple practices to grow closer to God in Justin Earley’s Habits of the Household. Or discover 4 practices that will help you pray like Jesus in Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton. Keep reading to learn more about both of these and others!
Are you ready for when Jesus returns?
Drawing from his deep knowledge of biblical prophecy and passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word, Dr. Jeremiah skillfully unravels the mysteries surrounding the Rapture and the Second Coming. Designed for use with Dr. Jeremiah’s book, The Great Disappearance Study Guide dives into the promises of Jesus’ second coming in the Old and New Testaments. Whether you are a seasoned student of prophecy or new to the faith, this guide will expand your understanding, deepen your faith, and bring you one step closer to the future glory awaiting those who put their faith in Christ Jesus.
Each lesson includes:
- An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lesson
- An overview of Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching on the topic being studied
- Application questions to help both individuals and small groups delve into the content and the Bible
- A Did You Know? Section that adds a point of interest to the lesson
Read the first lesson for The Great Disappearance →
Paul wrote, “Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:34). Interceding. That’s what Jesus is doing right now. He is praying for you. He is the bridge between the Father’s heavenly resources and your earthly life. Every prayer you have ever prayed, and every prayer you ever will pray, is a response to his prayers for you.
Join pastor Tyler Staton for a five-session Bible study that takes you to the starting point of a journey that will lead you from receiving the intercession of Christ to interceding with Christ. Along the way you’ll make four stops, summarizing the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught into four core practices: adoration, confession, petition, and intercession. But it all starts and ends not with our prayers, but with Christ’s.
Here’s Tyler inviting you to join this study on prayer →
Find Meaning and Purpose in the Daily Chaos of Your Household
Parenting happens in habits. We make meals, shuttle our kids to events, answer their questions, discipline them, and do bedtime. But did you know that even these ordinary routines can serve as extraordinary opportunities to live out God’s love in profound ways? In Habits of the Household, you will discover simple practices you can implement around your daily routines and seemingly mundane moments that will lead to a lifetime of growing closer to God—both for you and the members of your home.
Each session includes practical examples of prayers, liturgies, and activities that you and your family can put into practice right away. As you create rhythms around your everyday routines, you will find your family has a greater sense of peace and purpose as your home becomes a place where you learn how to love each other and love God.
Check out the scope of the study here →
In a world of bad news, the story of Jesus, our Savior, is incredibly good news. The apostle Paul tells us that all have sinned & fallen short of God’s holy standard. The consequences of our sin & rebellion is death. But God, in his great mercy, sent Jesus into the world to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Jesus, who is God-in-the-flesh, was the only sinless person to have ever lived. He was able to do what we could not do & make a way for us to come before God.
In the 6 lessons of Savior, you will explore how Jesus—being fully human but also fully divine—was able to offer himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. You will learn about Jesus’ mission for humanity, the kingdom of God he ushered in, & how he made a way for all who believe in him to be saved. Savior will help you see that even though God may feel distant at times, he is always working for your good & his glory. God has always been faithful to his people—& he always will be.
Read the first lesson here →
And to start off 2024, be sure to sign-up for the Online Bible Study for Christine Caine’s Don’t Look Back hosted by FaithGateway, starting January 22, 2024. It’s free to sign-up and you’ll get access to all of Christine’s teaching videos and join a community walking through the study. JOIN TODAY!